Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Home In The Desert

I've spent the last 10 days in Southern Utah with Corle and Elle. Nothing like some desert sun to get my mind and body back into the swing of everyday running after 3 full weeks off in the wake of the ITI. We got snowed on the last day of our trip, but otherwise it was perfect weather everyday.

I've now run 9 of the last 10 days and am beginning to feel really good (although I haven't done anything over 10 miles yet - I intend to increase the mileage in this next week). Despite running a 350 mile race just over a month ago, I really feel like I took most of the past 4 months off. I've got a freshness in my body that I haven't had in a long time.

Also, if you've never taken a small child on their first backpacking trip you are missing out on one of the great pleasures in life.

Here are some photos from our travels to Goblin Valley, Capitol Reef, Escalante, The Needles, and many places in between:


Julie said...

Beautiful pictures!

Unknown said...

Incredible pictures. Really enjoyed scrolling through them.

Jeremy said...

Just returned from my own adventure with my family through the deserts of southern Utah and Nevada. Couldn't agree more about what a great pleasure it is to introduce young children to the experience of camping in the desert. My kids are 5&6 and probably had the time of their lives exploring the canyons. Glad to hear you're feeling restored.

Russell said...

You seem to be in a great place in life right now Geoff. Keep it going.

Matt said...

wow, took me a while to realize it is snow on the last few pictures. at first I thought some kind of pollen, moss or fungi :) looks amazing!


Kurt said...

Man looks great!! Got to love the life outdoors.

milsom said...

these are great. thanks for sharing.

ruggedstickman said...

As an ultra runner myself with a 4 yr old daughter (and one in the oven), these pics are inspiring. I'm excited to take my daughter out around mt rainier this summer.

Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Awesome pics Geoff. So neat to see the little gal enjoying the wonder and splendor of nature. Glad to hear you're feeling good

momroes said...

These are great pictures - I am so excited to meet the special little girl in your life - only 2 more days and I get to actually meet this little girl. She sure looks like she enjoys all the adventures you take her on. See you on Saturday - can't wait.

barneydilard said...

Wow you share such nice images of home in the desert. I really like this post so much. You really get more enjoyment. Its too good.

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bakasvag said...

nice pictures!!!
my best wishes for you and ihope the best for your races!

Korey said...

Looks awesome out there! I live and run out here in Tucson, AZ. I love desert running.

Lauren said...

Great photos! I just watched Unbreakable for the first time last night. My boyfriend is an ultra marathoner and I'm trying to learn more about his passion. I didn't know the results of the race, but I was rooting for you because you have an awesome spirit! Thanks for sharing and being an inspiration to novice runners like myself :-)