Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Hoppin' on the ferry later today. It's sad to leave Juneau, especially in the midst of the nicest weather we've had here in a long time. I'm also very excited to get away... but very anxious about it all too. I suspect I won't sleep very well for my first few days on the road. Missing Jill. Missing my cats. And uncertain how the heck I'm going to pay for my summer adventure. I'm sure this will be big in my mind for the next several days.

Got in a nice 103 mile ride yesterday. I didn't feel very good for most of the ride but I just kept feeling better and better as I went. By the end I was actually feeling pretty strong. I guess sometimes it takes awhile to warm up.

I'm going to try to post as often as possible from the road. Not sure if I'll have a chance to do so before the Miwok on May 3rd. If not here's the link where results should be posted sometime after the race: click here Hopefully you won't have to scroll down too far to find my name.

I feel pretty good and ready for this race, but certainly not as ready as I would have been if I hadn't also been trying to build biking base at the same time. It would have been nice to build back up to 100+ mile weeks of running with long runs up around 50 miles but I only got up to about 90 and 30 for my longest week and my longest single run. Rode my bike almost 1,200 miles in the past 7 weeks so obviously this cut greatly into my running.


Chris said...

If you run out of money, come to Denver and crash in our spare room(s).


mindful mule said...

have an awesome journey…

Anonymous said...

Hi, You will have a great adventure - you always do - you are so used to living out of your car and off the land that you will do fine. If you run out of cash there is always Mom with paypal. Hope to hear from you soon. We love you. Oh by the way - Shawn is still thinking of getting married the end of Sept. so keep the end of the month open so you can get home. Good luck on your race.