Monday, March 30, 2009

Ready For April

March has been a tough month for me. I'm glad to see it go. It started out with a disastrous Iditarod Invitational attempt and then I was pretty much feeling sick for the rest of the month. Over the past 10 days though I have finally been feeling very healthy again and am back up to a normal training load. I've still got some work to do to be ready for the Miwok in one month but in the past week or so I have felt quite strong on most of my runs. Yesterday I did a 24 miler in which I felt better than I have on a 20+ mile training run in at least a couple months.

Over the next few weeks I'm going to try to focus on getting in some good speed work as well as some good hard downhill running (as well as my usual tough uphill runs that I typically do every third or fourth day). The trails in the Marin Headlands are some of the most scenic trails I have ever run, but they are also some of the most hardpacked trails I've ever run. In the two races I ran there last year I developed significant quad fatigue due to the downhill pounding on the hard surfaces. This time around I hope I can build up a bit more tolerance to that type of surface by running lots of downhills on roads here in Juneau. I also want to try to focus on eating, hydrating, and sleeping really well in the next few weeks. Maybe I'll even try to drink more water than Pepsi and beer.


Anonymous said...

More water then Pepsi or beer...that's crazy talk!

Anonymous said...

i've got chris' rooftop carrier, i'll be seeing you in s.f. - so you might want to keep beer a part of your training program ;-) i plan on meeting you at each checkpoint with a shot and a beer

Anonymous said...

Geoff... in your previous post you talk about your pace @ various points and I was curious how you know what your pace is... do you have mile markers or do you just know based on how it feels?

btw... offer still stands if you want to run the 60K with me this weekend (its going to be 'interesting' considering I've put in a total of 4 miles worth of 'pennies' in the past month or so) ;)


Hone said...

Those downhills are killers. The Californian fireroads are like concrete to the legs.

Maybe try to run around the aisles of Home Depot for a few hours every night after they close. That will help the cause. Nothing harder than their floors.

We are just spoiled with soft trails up here.

Vik said...

"More water then Pepsi or beer...that's crazy talk!"

+1 =-)

Anonymous said...

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Anyway, if there is certainly any info you need on Gap, or any other large apparel retailer in the US, please let us know.

Let us know if you have any wonderful ideas for new blog posts!

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