Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Vacation In Photos

Just returned from a 3 week "vacation" to Juneau. I felt pretty good most of the time I was there so I was able to get outside more than I have since last summer. Couldn't have asked for better timing to have three weeks of good health, because there is simply unlimited stuff do in the outdoors around Juneau. As wild and remote as some of these photos look the vast majority of these were taken in places that you can walk to in an hour or less from the center of town:


  1. Although we here in Finland can enjoy real winter the nature in your pictures are more manifold than we have here.

    Take care !

  2. Fantastic. Beautiful photography too!

  3. Beautiful photo's ! So thrilled to see you enjoying the great outdoors :) may blessings and continued restoring of health be upon you :) Many of us Norcal peeps had a beautiful day on the WTC training course on Saturday...Winter is lovely in Cool Ca. A few waterfalls beginning to trickle :)

  4. Splendid indeed! I could feel the fun from your pictures. If I may suggest, why don't you try out Geelong for your next holiday. You will surely love the Thirteenth Beach golf courses there and as far as accommodation is concerned, the accommodations in Barwon Heads are some of the best luxury hotels that you may have visited. Will await updates on other such marvelous trips.

  5. Wow - so pretty!

    I'm your newest follower :)
