Thursday, February 17, 2011

One Of Those Days

Just got in from a run. It was one of those days. You know, the ones when every slight uphill feels like a mountain and then an hour into the run you snap into the present moment and realize you are walking on a downhill. Think I might be due for a day off tomorrow. Or maybe it's just because I was gone away from home for the entire day yesterday and didn't have a chance to consume my usual 5+ tablespoons of Udo's Oil.


  1. Great to share some miles with you yesterday-one of these weekends we'll have to coordinate a Boulder/FoCo group run...always fun! It must have been the steeps to the summit yesterday that made today tough :)

  2. mumma, call the wambulance! I was there yesterday too, same exact deal. Must have been in the air.

  3. Last Sunday (not this past Sunday but the one before it) I went for a run and felt like I was getting my ass kicked with every step. I had to walk a few hills--pretty shameful. I didn't know what was wrong but experience told me to chalk it up as a bad day, not be too hard on myself, and live to train another day. The next day I woke up sick with a stomach and head cold virus. I then had my answer what was wrong.
