Saturday, August 16, 2008

Media Tidbit

Good story in The Anchorage Daily News about my Resurrection Pass run last week:

It's nice when a reporter takes the time to get it right. Thanks Doyle.


  1. "Take time to get it right"? Dude it isn't exactly rocket science. Were you expecting some conspiracy twist?

  2. of course it's not rocket science but in most cases that i've been a part of reporters are either too busy, too uninformed, or too uninterested, especially in a subject as potentially dull as distance running, that the few facts that are published aren't always the most accurate or the most applicable... it's just sort of something you expect (a lack of accuracy), so it's nice when someone gets it just right. that's all, no conspiracy twists :)

  3. Cool. It was a great article. Keep the hard work up!
