Saturday, October 13, 2007

Going To The Desert?

Bike 8 miles
Run 11 miles
Lift 16 lifts
-3 sets of 12 reps

Mt. Bike 11 miles

Bike Commute 3 miles
Run 9 miles

Bike Commute 6 miles
Run 12 miles

Mt. Bike 21 miles

This weather is just relentless. It has now rained for 30 straight days and there is no indication that it's going to let up anytime soon. My last post I was daydreaming about the desert, but another week of rain everyday has pushed me over the edge and now I'm thinking pretty seriously about going to the desert for real, not just dreaming about it. My plan would be to fly into Vegas on October 25th where I would either rent a car or try to get my friend Anna in St. George, UT to pick me up. From there it would be up to Utah for 5 days of desert relaxation which would hopefully include this WRIAD ride. (Gotta find me a bike to ride though because I'm not too into the idea of spending $200 to take mine down with me). I've still got a lot of things to work out to make this happen on such short notice, but I do have a plane ticket on hold that I need to decide on by Monday. I'm leaning toward going but we'll see.

Another steady week of training. Nothing too ambitious, but right where I want to be right now.

Totals for the week: Run 39 miles; Bike 69 miles; 13 hours 45 minutes time (amazingly similar to last weeks totals - total coincidence).

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