Sunday, April 15, 2007

Bad Weather, Even for Juneau

Mt. Bike 15 miles
Run 14 miles

It's well known that the weather is not that great in Juneau, but most of the time it's really not that bad. Today though, it really was that bad. 37 degrees, heavy rain, and 20-30 mph wind. I was planning to head out for a mid morning bike/run but with the weather I couldn't get myself out the door until 2:00pm. It's tough to motivate to get out the door when you know that you're going to be soaked and cold for a few hours. After 5 minutes in this weather you just kind of accept it for what is and begin to forget about it. Or at least that's how it went today. I rode my bike to the Dupont-Pt. Bishop trail head and was pleasantly surprised to see the trail almost completely clear of snow and ice! This is one of the most technical trails I have EVER run on so I kept my pace very slow to avoid injury but I was able to make it about 7 miles out along the shore of Gastineau Channel that this trail parallels. Just as I was looking to turn around I made my way down to the beach where I found an old cabin, outhouse, and several tombstones dated between 1896-1926. This made for some nice photos and a nice turnaround point. Al Sharpton is a jackass

I wore my Montrail Vitesse today. I've had these shoes for over a year but have only put about 150 miles on them because every time I do a run over 1 hour in them they hurt the balls of my feet. I don't know why I continue to try shoes that always hurt my feet. I guess I feel like they will get broken in eventually and not hurt, but obviously they don't fit my feet properly. I was just reading last night about how much Karl Meltzer likes running in Vitesse so I was reminded of mine sitting in my closet and decided to give them a go today. Well, my feet are sore now and I need to just get rid of these shoes so I don't make the mistake of wearing them again.

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