Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A Couple Fun Links

Back in Colorado after an Awesome weekend up in Bellingham at the Chuckanut 50k. Congrats to Adam Campbell and Ellie Greenwood for their wins up there in some pretty crappy conditions. It's hard to think of two nicer and more deserving people in the sport, even if they are Canadian :-) Also a huge congratulations to everyone who ran on Saturday. I've never seen so many people come across a finish line with blood on their legs, but just about everyone seemed to be in a great mood. It was really cool to see so many friends out doing what they love.

Wanted to post a couple quick links to some new things floating around the internet since last week:




Freebird said...

Very cool.
Was that vid shot in CO?

David T.

Davide Grazielli said...

Aye, Ellie might be living in Canaduh, but she's scottish.

Great video!

Russell said...

The niceness is because they're Canadian.

Geoff said...

most of that video was shot in Colorado... with a few shots from near Bend, OR.

jorge said...

i want to see you in two months at the transvulcania. remember that weather will be hot and humid. almost tropical. very different to alaska. hope you do well and have a good time. always an inspiration. thank you

Anonymous said...

Awesome Clif Bar promo Geoff. Hope you're recovering well after the Iditerod adventure

Adamo said...

Thanks Geoff, it was great to see you over the weekend and totally classy of you to come out to support us. I'm still blown away by how fast you ran on this course and it would have been great to have you out there.

Another rad video BTW, you and the video crew do a great job at conveying your approach to running. Makes me want to get out there...