Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Out Of Shape?

I took about three weeks after the North Face race to give my body the most rest it's had in about 15 months. I'm now back running most everyday and I'm really surprised how much of my fitness still remains. I was actually kind of hoping that I would feel more out of shape. I'm not going to race again until sometime in March and being out of shape right now would give my mind something to focus on for the next several weeks before I feel like I really need to specialize a bit for my next race. I guess for now I just need to take advantage of the season and get out on my cross country skis and snowshoes. Maybe sometime in February I'll start to think about some training specific to my next event. Or maybe I should just stick with my approach that I used for the second half of '09 and just run for fun and assume that it will apply to my racing. Problem is that my next race might be a 50k which kind of scares the hell out of me with how little fast running I've done in the past year.


ultrarunner (Brian Philpot) said...

You will recover fast! You have a long year of racing to look ahead too.

The Sean said...

Just throw in some striders a few times a week and run how you feel the rest of the time.

twardzik said...

so whats the 50K in March? Chuckanut in WA? ps - i think you'll be fine speed wise man... :)

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing you're referring to Way Too Cool in March which I think would fit you well as a fast downhiller. Usually some stiff comp there as well.

Nicola Gildersleeve said...

It takes a while to lose fitness. You be out of shape after 3 weeks...especailly if you were still doing some other activities!

Boo Radley said...

Monday is the big day man. We are all waiting anxiously!!!

Jamie Donaldson said...


Congrats on an amazing year! You deserve some time off! That break will help you come back mentally and physically rested so you can continue to rock in 2010!

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Anonymous said...

I don't think you can get out of shape that fast.

David Johnston said...

Look forward to seeing you at Susitna Geoff!
Hell yea!

Speedgoat Karl said...

You won it man, Congrats on the first, and probably not last, winning of Ultrarunner of the Year! I'll be bridesmaid again, but no complaints, you deserve it 100%. I should have tripped you when I had the chance, or fed you a few more beers before Wasatch! :-)

The key now is to top it this year!
Now go to ultratrailmb.com and get that app in so you have a chance at the big European Dance. Let's both go there and show them the americans are NOT soft. I'll even try and throw in a good word for you to the RD's (not sure if that will matter) and we can both go kill it in Europe!

See you in Moab!

Cheto said...

Congrats on your Ultrarunning "Runner of the Year" and "Performance of the Year". Glad to be a fan.
Jose Encalada, Belize

Cheto said...

Congrats on your Ultrarunning "Runner of the Year" and "Performance of the Year". Glad to be a fan.
Jose Encalada, Belize

Shawn said...

Congrats Bro!!! Keep up the good work this year, what an amazing accomplishment.

Mom said...

Congratulations!!!! What an accomplishment - you are truly an inspiration and we are so proud that we call you "our son". You continue to amaze us with all your accomplishments. We wish you continued success in 2010 and I am going to get to a race this year and, hopefully, some of the rest of the family will also. We love you sooo much!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Mr. UROY! What an outstanding year Geoff. May you continue to be an inspiration to runners of all ages in 2010.

Boo Radley said...

Congrats Geoff! It's amazing to see you have so much success doing something you love. I was telling someone from CNY about you and their response was "that bastard could handle more pain than anyone I knew back in HS." So true! Keep it up man. Good Luck in 2010!!!

michelle said...

Congrats Geoff. We're so proud of you. You are an amazing athlete and an outstanding brother.....
Love you

Andrew said...

UROY!!! You earned it (times 10!!) Congrats! Also congrats to having 3 performances in the top 10 of the year and winning that area as well!


Jamie Donaldson said...

WOW congrats Geoff on UROY! You deserve it!