Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Going Back To Cali

Hopping on a jet plane tomorrow to head down to San Francisco for the North Face race. I have so many mixed feelings about this one. I have run 3 races on these Marin trails and in some ways they have all been bad races for me. But I have also found a lot of good in these races and feel like I have learned what I need to have a good race down there. I know that I can run a lot faster on these trails then I have previously, but I also know that there are at least 4 other guys in this race who can also run faster on these trails than any of my previous efforts. It should be fun to see how it shakes out.

As a racer there really isn't anything more intense than running against the best runners your sport has to offer and knowing that you do have a chance to win that battle. I know I am not likely to win. I think most folks (and with good reason) are picking Dave Mackey or Uli Steidl for the win, but I am excited to go down south and try to make the unlikely happen. I really don't have anything to lose by running with the intention of being the first one to cross the finish line.


Matt said...

I think "a lot" of people are interested to see how this one shakes out. Good luck!

Kate said...

Good luck! Can't wait to see how things shake out.

Matt Hart said...

good luck geoff.. run your gutz out!

Gary Robbins said...

Like you said Geoff, nothing to lose everything to gain! I hope you have the race you're capable of down there!

Inca Princess said...

Good luck Geoff! You've had such an incredible year - just 'zone in' and do your thing!

ultrarunner (Brian Philpot) said...

Going to be a hard one! Good luck!

mom said...

You can do it - we know you can - Dad & Michelle will be there to cheer you on and I will be home following online. However it turns out, you can be really proud of yourself (like we are) for a wonderful year of excellent running and record-breaking. Come on, turn it all - you CAN do it!!!!

Anonymous said...

keep your eye on a buddy of mine here who runs on Team Minnesota USA, running his first 50mile. He rocked a new CR this year at Superior 50km. He already ran his 2nd Olympic qualifying trial time too at Twin Cities Marathon. Chris Lundstrom. He's the fastest in the field no doubt about that. Fledgling at the 50mile distance, so who knows, but definitely the fastest guy in the field, as I'm not sure if Uli can still run a sub 2:18 or not.


Charlie said...

I've got all my money on you Geoff. Can't see them beating you mate.

All the best for a great race.

Boo Radley said...

Geoff, Good Luck Man!!! You know we are all pulling for you. Just run your own race, same as always. Ease into it and crank it up as the race progresses. The sight of you after mile 20 will put real concern into any of the other front runners! That's gotta be an awesome feeling! Looking forward to watching!!

Dan said...

best wishes geoff. don't forget you've got chia. . . .

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Brett said...

Wynn - "I'm not sure if Uli can still run a sub 2:18 or not."

Well woopdeedo, lol. Dude, he nearly won this exact race last year by only a few minutes. He beat Kaburaki by 7 minutes...he beat Kyle Skaggs by 8 minutes...he beat Geoff Roes by 17 minutes...and so on. He beat Hal Koerner by almost an hour.

These dudes are fast, which is why they are being picked to win. I think Geoff is in an awesome position - no pressure and the underdog (somehow).

I wish they had those Tour De France helicopters so we could all watch it unfold through the trails live.

Unknown said...

Amen dood! The "unlikely" as you call it is certainly within grasp. Good luck and have fun!

Anonymous said...

wish I was gonna be there- but good luck. you'll do great :)

Anonymous said...

A great perspective, Geoff! Have at em!! BobM

Bryan said...

Good luck Geoff! Go FAST! I hope to follow the race online. Do you, or anybody, know if NF has a live update feed?


Boo Radley said...

Does anyone have any updates or sites to find them????

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Anonymous said...

cool, thats just what I needed to know, i knew there was a reason I went on to a runners blog- thanks last anon!

Anonymous said...

Geoff & Ulli neck & neck through mile 30! What a race it's shaping up to be. Bryan at is twittering updates


Anonymous said...

Uli Steidl took home 1st in 6:33 & change. Geoff nabs 2nd in 6:40:53 (unofficial).

Congrats on your incredible year Geoff! UROY for sure

Chris W said...

Congrats on the 2nd place finish! I hear you beat the previous course record, but not by quite as much as the guy that came in 1st. A great race, I can't wait to hear about it!

Anonymous said...

rock on geoff! this is anna and nate! we were sending you good vibes! so happy to hear you took second! i keep thinking that i want to talk to you and catch up but i don't know how to find you these days! call me when you can!

Anonymous said...

hey Geoff...this is Deb and Bryan. Congratulations! Man, NF is really lame in not having ANY info out about the race! Regardless, we're stoked for you and glad you seem to have had a good race in marin.
See ya soon!

Anonymous said...

Stellar and consistent year! Enjoy the recovery and be proud of your performances and how you've handled the success with such grace. Great run yesterday.