Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's Always Sunny In Juneau

I flew back to Juneau today. I indicated in my last post that I was planning to take some time completely off from running. I figured it'd be up to a few weeks. The thing is though that it was a beautiful Fall day today, I was in a great mood, I was done unpacking, and I wanted to go for a run. And so I did. Just a few miles. It felt great. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm fully recovered from racing 200 miles in two weeks but I think rather than taking a few weeks completely off I'm going to give myself some active recovery for a few weeks. Maybe I'll run 4 or 5 days a week for a total of 30-50 miles per week. Or, better yet, I'll just run if I feel like running and rest if I feel like resting. That sounds perfect right now. And before too long I'll be getting my mind and body ready for racing again. Haven't decided for certain when and where my next race will be. It might be fun to race out East for my first time ever. And of course there's the showdown in Marin for the big bucks coming up in just a couple months now. Maybe I've even got two more races in me this year. I know my mind and body do, but what I'm not so sure about is my bank account.


Chihping Fu 傅治平 (超馬阿爸) said...

"...race out East..." - how about the wonderful Massanutten 100M on 5/15/2010 for the new CR on the respected Sim Jae Duk or Karl Meltzer times?

Rest well for great recovery!


Anonymous said...

The North Face 50 could definately help with the bank account situation. And as far as getting there, with your recent two big wins, it's time to hit up some sponsors for some travel dough! You're on a roll, ride the wave. Congrats on an amazing year.

Vik said...

Given your results I would think some of the tech gear companies [Patagonia, TNF, etc...] would at the very least give you product and cover your actual costs for some races.

mindful mule said...

Or, host your own and runners will come to you in Juneau… The Geoff 100.

Hone said...

What a liar!! It is never sunny in Juneau.

Anyways if you want to go run the cement hard hills of San Fran make sure Montrail pays for your ticket to the dance. Also tell them no middle seat either....aisle or window only. Those cheap bastards!

david johnston said...

they should get you your own fucking jet for the performances you put up this year.
awesome geoff

Derrick said...

You might want to look at Ozark Trail 100 on Nov 7. First year event, but looks great.

If you're interested in splitting expenses, I'm flying into St. Louis and have rented a car to get to the race site. I'm camping at the finish the night before, but would split the room on the night after the race if needed.

Let me know if interested.

Anonymous said...

Hey Geoff, you have a place to stay when you run the nf champs. Let me know and I'll pick up some extra chips and beer.

Cush said...

No pressure, but it's between you and Karl for UROY. Your on fire right now. Ride it out.

Anonymous said...

Seems like NF 50 would be a nice final race to determine UROY between you and Karl. If you guys are still neck & neck by then, let that be the "Championship" that decides this thing. Go get em'!